Designed by Johann Seidl, Vienna around 1908
Executed by Johann Seidl, Vienna around 1908
Marked on the locks: 42; key: JOH. SEIDL WIEN
Dimensions H 190 cm, W 200 cm, D 69 cm
Material Macassar ebony wood solid and veneer, geometrical carvings, maple skirting dyed to black, interior of drawers and base: cherry wood and veneer, interior of top: bird’s eye maple veneer, retouches, surface cleaned and partially repolished, brass fittings, some repairs on original marble top, cut and optically cut crystal glass, very good original condition
Provenance private property, Austria

Excellent Viennese cabinet-making.


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SIDEBOARD ⋅ JOHANN SEIDL ⋅ Seidl Johann ⋅ Johann Seidl, Vienna around 1908

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